Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Scroggins Family Portraits

Over the Fourth of July weekend I had the chance to take family portraits of my great friends, Jon & Christina and their kids. Taking their photos has become sort of a tradition with them, being that I shot their wedding and have done their entire family's portraits (all 20 of the Scroggins!) practically every Thanksgiving for the past few years.

Christina with her beautiful girls...

The whole family...

This was just the sweetest thing ever. We pretty much got rained out at our time at Kelly Park and Lewis walked with Kayla back to the car...with a broken umbrella. So cute!

Ok, let's try this two at Jon's parents house and golf course.

This is one of my favorites...these girls are so precious.

Lewis and I had a great time hanging out with you guys that weekend and I can't wait to come visit you!