Sunday, April 13, 2008

Stephanie & John's Wedding 3-22-08

Stephanie and John got married in a friend's backyard overlooking Lake Conway. We worried about the weather the entire day as it drizzled on and off, hoping that the rain would keep away until the reception was over since both that and the ceremony were outdoors. Luckily, it didn't rain on us during the ceremony or for most of the reception and their wedding was just lovely. I absolutely love the way their photos turned out. I haven't quite finished editing all of them yet, but here are a few that help tell the story of the day.

Getting her makeup done.

I love the silhouetted shot of Stephanie's dress.

She makes such a beautiful bride.

The girl's wanted a photo like from the movie "Runaway Bride", haha.

The groom and his guys.

The bride and her girls.

Stephanie was so giddy during the entire ceremony.

I just love the look on John's face as he sees Stephanie coming down the aisle.

I'm so glad the rain held off!

They did a sand covenant instead of the traditional unity candle. I think those are so cool.

Finally, married!

I love this one of them on the beach.

I think this is my favorite image of the day.

Having fun during the bride and groom session.

They made their exit down a dock onto a boat and sped off to their honeymoon. Congrats you two!

Click here to view the slideshow from this event

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