Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Katherine & Tyson's Engagement Session

This is another great couple that I feel priviledged to know. Katherine and I have known each other since we were about 3 years old so of course I was very excited when she asked me to shoot her wedding. I had only met Tyson a few times but after our engagement session at Rollins College he felt like an old friend too. We had a lot of fun wandering around Rollins and got some great images before the rain came. Check back soon to see images from their wedding!

Kat is defintely an expressive person and it really shows in her face. She cracked me up the whole day because she kept making all of these crazy faces when she was talking to us and Tyson. It certainly was fun sorting through all their images. :)

I just love the perspective of this photo and love love the ivy covered wall!

The tree, oh the tree...and me with my crazy ideas. I thought this tree was so awesome because it had branches that bent down to the ground and back up and I had wanted Kat & Tyson to CLIMB the tree and sit on a limb for one of the photos. Well, the trunk was a little too steep and I had forgotten to bring my ladder (ha!) so we settled for this pose instead.

The whole day I kept telling these two they should get new careers as models... they defintely know how to work it!

Click here to watch Katherine & Tyson's Engagement slideshow

1 comment:

  1. Lora, I love the use of the umbrella in the engagement photos and now in the wedding photos... it ties them in together very well. Awesome work. -Sheryl Sheerin
