Sunday, September 14, 2008

Deahna & Justice...Maternity Session

This post is long overdue, (much like most of my posts because I am not very good at blogging) but I am so excited to share even just a glimpse of these photos because they're amazing. Many thanks to Deahna for being a great sport and modeling for me. As always, thank you to my favorite second shooter Lewis for coming with us.

This was my first attempt at maternity photos and let me just tell you... I LOVE maternity. I am really wanting to expand my business and website to include an active maternity section and I can't wait to do another maternity shoot. I love the mommies, I love the bellies, and I think maternity photos are just so beautiful and artistic and amazing. So, all that being said, if you are pregnant, please give me a call. I would love to do some belly portraits of you! :)

Anyways, back to Deahna and Justice. We spent a beautiful morning at Kraft Azalea Gardens and got some really great shots. Deahna is such a natural in front of the camera and has such an ease and grace. Here are some of my favorites from the day...

Lewis took this one...he's an excellent photographer in the making!

Deahna, congratulations on your baby boy! Justice is absolutely beautiful!

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