Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New York Part 1

Back in May, when we had the pleasure of photographing Vanessa and Mikey's New Hampshire wedding, we decided that since we were so close to New York City (Lora's favorite place in the world) we would spend a week in the city. Well as you can imagine, it's hard to sum up New York with just a handful of pictures so this will be our first of three blog posts of our trip. For the first post we thought we would share some of our more touristy photos.

This first photo is of Lora standing at the door step of Carrie from Sex and the City's apartment. In case you were wondering, no, a "No Trespassing" sign has never stopped Lora.

This is us on the ferry to the Statue of liberty with the city skyline behind us.

This is us at Top of the Rock, the observation deck of Rockefeller Center. This was probably our favorite thing that we did.

One of games Lora likes to play is "find the Empire State Building and take our picture with it in the background".

This is us on top of the Empire State Building at night (good view but not as good at Top of the Rock). The light in this picture is great because we're bouncing the flash off the windows camera left. Needless to say, many unfortunate tourists lost their eye site that day.

This little map is the best New York map ever printed in the history of topography!

Lora is sad at the MoMA because Starry Night by Van Gogh is on tour.

One night we saw Guys and Dolls because Lora wanted to meet Lorelai Gilmore. She didn't have time for much more than autographs but we stole a quick photo.

This is us outside the Seinfeld cafe. Last time we were in New York we only drove by so we were glad we had a chance to get a proper photo this time (and of course a meal).

This is Lora in front of the blue whale at the Natural History Museum. Another great example of the effectiveness of bounce flash.

This is us on the bow bridge in Central Park.

After searching and searching for the Soup Nazi's soup kitchen, we found it! Unfortunately it went out of business. Another casualty of the recession I suppose.

Check back soon for our next New York post. Lora's still putting some of the finishing edits on some of her favorite shots of our trip.

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