Sunday, March 25, 2007

Baldwin Park

Lewis and our friend Chris were good sports for me to practice a groom session. There was supposed to be another guy there too but he couldn't make it so instead some pictures turned out looking a little stalkerish.

This is one of my favorites from the day. And I think it's one of the best pictures I've ever taken of Lewis.

This is his "Tommy Hilfiger" look.

At the end of the day, I turned the camera over to Chris and he actually got a few nice shots of us. This one's my favorite.

I promise wedding pictures will go up soon. I'm just waiting to get my images back. Stay tuned! :)
These are two great women that work in my office, Fidela and her daughter Liz. Fidela is getting married in August to a great guy, Steve and I am lucky enough to be shooting their wedding. Check back later for their engagement session. Here are some impromtu shots I took at the office one day.


She's only the cutest baby in the whole wide world...with the loudest scream. But I love her to death.

DeLeon Spring Break

I took a day off from work over spring break and my boyfriend Lewis and I went to DeLeon Springs. It was a great day and we had a lot of fun. I also was able to take a bunch of photos out there. These are my favorites from the day.

This is me.

Photo courtesy of Mike Buoy. Visit him here


While this is not my first blog, it is the first one that I am attempting to post photos on. Cross your fingers that I can figure out how to make it work.
Hi. My name is Lora Roney and I am a photographer. I have always loved taking pictures and just this year I have become serious about becoming a professional. On this blog, I will post my work like portrait sessions, sports and weddings that I shoot with the most incredible Mike Buoy, Joe Daylor and Jason Cannon. These wonderful guys have taken me under their wings and are teaching me the ins and outs of the wedding photography field. Many thanks guys! I love working with you.

So, please check back here frequently and hopefully I will actually have images up soon! And, if you like what you see, contact me to take your pictures!