Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New York Part 2

Ok, it's time for our second post of photos from the New York trip we took back in May. If you remember, our last New York post consisted of some of our best touristy shots. With this post we wanted to show off some of our more aesthetic photos. As a side note, Lora is hoping to decorate our kitchen with black and white photos of New York. Can anyone guess which two she had printed to hang in her office? Post your guesses in the comments section (if you already know the answers, don't spoil it!).


  1. Lora, you're photography is GREAT!! I especially love the flower picture!!
    Kimberly Walkley

  2. These are my favorite! Makes me want to visit New York!
    -Brianna Mottashed-

  3. Apparently tulips were in bloom when we went up there. They were all over the island. According to Margaret (our generous host) we had just missed the cherry blossoms.

  4. Another fun fact, if you pick tulips out of Central Park, not only do you pay a huge fine, but you also have to go replant them.

    They are serious about their flowers in Manhattan. :)
